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Penstemon xylus Tushar Bluemat Bench Card 5×7
Penstemon pinifolius Half PintBench Card 5×7
Penstemon caespitosus Waggon Wheel Bench Card 5×7
Oenothera fremontii Shimmer Bench Card 5×7
Liatris ligulistylis Bench Card 5×7 (1)
Juniperus horizontalis Guernsey Green Bench Card 5×7
Harpochloa falx Freeda Bench Card 5×7
Dracocephalum ruyschiana-Indigo Blue Dragonhead 5×7
Clematis hexapetala-Mongolian Snowflakes-5×7 (1)
Artemisia abrotanum Leprechaun-Leprechaun Southernwood-5×7