Our incredible western sunsets just happen. On the right evening, we look up and …
Tiny, spoon-like leaves sprout on prostrate stems that grow into circular, evergreen mats, outfitting …
Scarlet-red trumpet flowers call hummingbirds and butterflies from June to August. A profusion of …
There is no shortage of admiring descriptors for Coral Baby penstemon. Let’s consider stunning, …
This queen of the desert demonstrates all of the features we desire for a …
I garden on the eastern prairie and one of my greatest joys is watching …
Learn about this group of perennial penstemons that are easy to grow and bloom nearly all summer. Great for gardens, containers and bees, too!
The genus Penstemon, commonly known as beardtongue, has long been a staple in our Rocky Mountain region gardens and a new representative to the scene this summer will be SHADOW MOUNTAIN® Penstemon (Penstemon xmexicali ‘Psmyers’.)
First time summer visitors to the Rockies are often struck by the abundance of scarlet tubular flowers everywhere you look in the high meadows. One often sees hummingbirds darting from scarlet gilia to penstemons in the summer months, always a highlight for the observant visitor. Many of these mountain plants adapt well to the Xeriscape or border in your home garden.
Wander anywhere in the West, and you’ll likely come across an Erigeron (fleabane) or …