Meet One of Our First Plant Select Landscape Members: Marie Peacock
Celebrating Landscape Designer Marie Peacock from Lakewood, Colorado!
How many years have you been a Plant Select member?
Since 2002 or 2003

What are your organization’s specialties or key interest areas?
Sustainable, xeric plant installation and maintenance
Why did you join Plant Select?
I was one of the first, if not the first, landscape companies to join Plant Select. I was so impressed with what the program was presenting to the public I wanted to be able to promote Plant Select through the landscape industry and not just the retail sector.
I think it was helpful to hear from the landscapers what we were able to find from the nurseries and really encourage Plant Select to bring more plants to the market for us to use and not just concentrate on the retail sector.
I always encouraged my clients to look at Plant Select plants when purchasing plants as they had a much better chance of surviving our really wacko weather.
How would you describe your business in one sentence?
Making the world beautiful one yard at a time
What are ways you’re committed to more sustainable landscapes?
I embraced Plant Select as soon as I heard about it, and I almost exclusively used Plant Select plants in my garden designs. I was a big advocate for natural landscaping practices that promoted best management practices, natural predators and organic practices as much as possible.
Why do you continue to support Plant Select?
It’s the best program to support landscape plantings, education of proper techniques for plant health and the best use of plants in an arid climate.
The support for this program from all sectors of the plant world is unparalleled. The program is synonymous with sustainability, and the education it provides to the end user is superb.
What is your favorite Plant Select plant?
Hesperaloe – Texas Red Yucca. It’s such an awesome structural plant, blooms forever and requires very little water.

And FireSpinner® Ice Plant, oh and Coronado Hyssop, awesome orange color. And don’t forget the Penstemons.
Okay, I don’t just have one favorite.
What’s one thing that not many people know about your organization?
I’ve semi-retired, and I’m only doing consultations now. I miss being out in the field and with my clients, but selling just before Covid hit was a blessing for me.
I now have more time for my own garden and those other hobbies that I only had time for 2 months out of the year, like weaving, traveling and ballet.