Hot Wings® Tatarian maple: a tree for all seasons

Acer tataricum Garann Plant Select HOT WINGS® Tatarian maple is a superior small ornamental tree that was discovered  Colorado but destined for distribution throughout the country. The natural range of Tatarian maple is from Southeastern Europe into Western Asia. It likely arrived in North America in the early 1900’s during the days of the U.S. Department of Agriculture world-wide plant exploration. It started to appear in Colorado nurseries in the early 1980’s when regional nurserymen discovered this maple was much more tolerant of our alkaline soils than other cold-hardy ornamental maples.

HOT WINGS® appeared as a chance-seedling found growing in the production fields of Fort Collins Wholesale Nursery at Fort Collins, CO in 1993. This particular tree stood out from all the other Tatarian maples for six weeks every summer with its breath-taking scarlet red samaras (helicopters) contrasting with the rich green foliage giving it an appearance of being in bloom. One of the employees said it reminded him of Christmas in July. In the spring, clusters of yellow-white flowers cover the tree after the leaves appear. Fall leaf color transforms from orange-red on the outside of the tree to yellow in the middle. HOT WINGS® also has strong branch unions making it less prone to storm breakage than other Tatarian maples. The horticulturists at Fort Collins Wholesale Nursery recognized the superior qualities of this tree and decided to continue close observation. Plant Select® learned of the plant and after several years of continued trials, agreed that this indeed was a superior tree, and offered to patent the tree and promote it.

Watch the video here. Or view the plant profile here.

HOT WINGS® Tatarian Maple (Acer tataricum ‘Garann’ PP15023)

Large Shrub or Small Tree
Height: 15-18 feet
Width: 15-18 feet
Blooms: Spring bloom followed by brilliant red fruit
Sun: Full sun to partial shade
Soil Moisture: Moderate to dry
Hardiness: USDA zones 4-10 (up to 8150 feet)
Culture: Clay, loam or sandy soil

162 responses to “Hot Wings® Tatarian maple: a tree for all seasons”

  1. Have planted and grown many of these great trees. Small in stature but big in performance and impact. Full Sun will yield better color, as will decent soil and good drainage.

    • Matt Forras says:

      At what distance can the Acer Tataricum tree or shrub be planted next to the house? How fast can it grow per year?

      • Ross Shrigley-Plant Select says:

        Depends on if there is an eve above the area and if there are any water/foundation concerns. That said, 5 feet should be as close as you’d want to plant it. You can train it off the house, be careful that wind does not cause it to rub on the house. Once established it can grow 2-3 feet per season, but slows as it matures at about 18 feet.

  2. Jodi says:

    I have a Hot Wings maple that sprouted as a volunteer in my garden from the samaras of an original nursery stock tree. I moved it and have let it grow for several years because I love this original tree so much and wanted to grow another one. It is now about 7 feet tall. I have noticed that it does not have the red samaras of the original tree. Another volunteer of the same size does have the red samaras. Any thoughts on why it wouldn’t have the red samaras? Will it ever?

    • Pat Hayward says:

      Thanks for your note, and you’ve made an interesting observation about sexual reproduction. When plants come from seed they are often quite variable – a sort of genetic lottery, in effect. When the form Hot Wings was discovered (with those blazing red samaras) the growers knew they’d have to propagate vegetatively in order to maintain that special attribute. So all Hot Wings in the trade are either grown from rooted cuttings, or are grafted onto understock that is of the same species. The answer, then to your question, is no, the one with the duller samaras will never have bright red ones, even later in maturity. And your 50% results are about average!

      • Janet Weidel says:

        I’m a little nervous about putting one in full sun, all day. Would this be a problem? zone 9, Sierra foothills

        • Ross Shrigley says:

          Full sun is fine. It’s the mild winter that may cause it issues. These trees like to go dormant for a short period of time. Does anyone else have a Hot Wings doing well in zone 9?

  3. Mary Bowden says:

    Will this type of tree do well in coastal North Carolina?

    • Pat Hayward says:

      It is likely to do well there, but I’d check with your local nursery folks to see if it’s something they carry or recommend.

    • Michael Glueckert says:

      Is the amur maple hot wings need to be fed on a regular basis with iron supplement if so I’m thinking it won’t work for me? I sincerely appreciate your reply thankyou mike glueckert helena mt.

      • Ross Shrigley says:

        Hot Wings maple is a tough plant and really does not need fertilizer. It is a superior plant to Ginnala Maples because it is adaptable to clay soils and should not turn chlorotic (yellowing of the leaves). There shouldn’t be a need to fertilize it.

        • ‘lexa says:

          yyay! that’s great news, just planted one today, so pretty & cheerful a sight amid the pandemic ghost towns of yon….
          soil is quite claylike, we amended & gave almost 2 buckets of water. i hope it likes its first night here on tipperary!?

  4. Larry says:

    For my upcoming yard re-landscaping project (in Edmonton, Alberta) I am considering a Hot Wings Tatarian maple for a feature tree on my front lawn. At a local nursery, they have about 8 or 10 of these on (permanent) display and I noticed that the leaves on all of the trees have some sort of blight on the “wings”, per attached photo. Can anyone advise what this is from and are these trees susceptible to this or only in the presence of certain other other trees? I saw the same issue on these trees in a previous year I was there. I like the tree enough for this spot on my front yard that I might go ahead with it anyway, even if this is an unfortunate feature of these trees. Just wondering if there is a good way to avoid it or if the damage that it does to the tree is more than cosmetic, which would cause me to rethink the whole thing. Thanks for any advice you can offer.

  5. Pat Hayward says:

    Sorry – can’t see the attached image. So the next step would be to ask the local nursery folks. I haven’t seen a problem with the samaras, personally.

  6. Julie Martin says:

    We have been planning to plant two of these trees in our southwest facing front yard in the Front Range area (CO). We are now considering putting rock and sandy soil in (rather than grass) on one side. Would this tree still function well under these conditions (the rock will be non irrigated). Thank you

    • Pat Hayward says:

      It would do well as long as there is a regular source of supplemental water. You might have the soil tested to find out how quickly it drains – fast draining soil would require more water than a loam-clay soil.

      • Greg Conway says:

        I too live in the Front Range area. Unfortunately, I found that Tatarian maple branches break easily under heavy spring snows. This year’s mid-May snow snapped yet another large branch off the tree. Same thing happened last year. I ended up having to cut it down as it was really looking funny after losing those branches. It also seemed to suffer from chlorosis this spring, something I had not seen in the past.

        • Honey says:

          I would like a response from Pat Hayward. The same happened to me with the branches breaking from the snow, but I didn’t see chlorosis . I was going to buy another
          tartarian hot wings maple, now I’m not sure.
          Please advise

          • Ross Shrigley says:

            Hot Wings branches are brittle. They will break in heavy snow. Branches will snap in less snow if the leaves are present. Luckily maples grow quickly and new branches will fill in when broken ones are removed, using correct pruning techniques.

  7. Laurie Schwieger says:

    I know maple leaves are toxic to horses. Do you know if the hot wings maple leaves are toxic to horses? Or should I just assume all maple leaves are toxic to them.

    • Pat Hayward says:

      I honestly do not know about the toxicity of Hot Wings, but I think your assumption is correct – if “maple leaves” are toxic to horses, then yes, these would be as well.

  8. Marolyn Avery says:

    We recently moved back to Des Moines, Iowa from Denver, Colorado and have been unable to find Hot Wing Tatarians for our new landscape.
    Would anyone out there be able to help us locate them here in Iowa?

    • Pat Hayward says:

      Maybe talk to the folks at the Botanical Gardens? It’s being grown nationally, so perhaps a local garden center can special order you one next spring? Good luck! And enjoy the Midwest – certainly a big change from Denver!

      • linda says:

        I was just at Lowe’s by Jordan Creek Mall today and they have them. That’s how I ended up here – I was googling to see what features they have. Would you know if they have seeds that drop? I am not sure of what the “hot wings” are – seeds, flowers, messy????

        • Pat Hayward says:

          The “hot wings” are the samaras – the technical term for the winged seeds (or helicopters as we called them as kids!). Yes, when they get larger the seed drop can be a bit messy, but not overly so. We’ve found them to be in full color in Fort Collins for 6 weeks during the summer in some years, so hopefully the gorgeous show is worth the small bit of clean up in the fall.

    • Beth Zacharias says:

      I work at Lowes in Papillion NE and I have 4 Hot Wings Maples still available

  9. I have aHW Maple in my courtyard. Advise a fertilizer. Also, had some spots on some of the leaves. What is that??

    • Pat Hayward says:

      Depending on where you live and your soil chemistry, Hot Wings maple should not require any additional fertilizer. As far as the spots go, best to consult with a local extension office or reputable nursery. Without asking a lot of questions and seeing samples or pictures, it would be difficult to diagnose.

  10. Marilyn Rbrchk says:

    Do the samaras self seed in lawns in Colorado?

    • Pat Hayward says:

      I haven’t heard of them seeding in lawns, but have heard of them seeding in mulched areas. Could be possible if the turf is thin but also heavily watered. They’re easy to pull if you’re seeing them. Maybe cut back on the watering next year to avoid.

  11. Yvonne says:

    Hi, I’m looking for a tree to plant next to my driveway about 12′ from my house. Will the roots of the tree do any damage to the driveway or house?

    • Pat Hayward says:

      This is a relatively small tree with smaller, fibrous roots so at that distance will cause no problems at all. Most tree roots grow about as wide as the crown of the tree (spread) so you’ll definitely want to only consider trees that stay under 20′ wide or so.

      • Josie says:

        That was the question! Mine grew out of nowhere! Never had a tree where it appeared and it is knitting through my frost fence but it is pretty close to the house and I was worried !

  12. diane Dunn says:

    Is the hot wings maple susceptible to verticillium wilt? I am losing all my Japanese maples because of this. thank you

    • Pat Hayward says:

      I honestly don’t know – not something we experience much in the west. Best advice is to check with your local Horticulture Extension agent.

  13. Sandy says:

    How quickly does this tree grow? Would it be happy with +/- 2 hours per day direct sun, the rest dappled shade? How about 7500 ft elevation?

    • Pat Hayward says:

      I think you’ll be pushing the limits of hardiness for it at that elevation. If you decide to try it, I’d put it in a more protected place, like near a building and out of the wind. It would need at least 4-6 hours of sun otherwise it’ll be stretched out and weak, which would then make it susceptible to snow damage.

  14. Julie McMan says:

    I planted 2 Hot Wings Maples 3 years ago. This year, they did not produce very many samaras and the ones that it did produce were small and very pale pink. Do I need to fertilize or give it something? Leaves weren’t as bright a green either, turned kind of dirty yellow for the fall. Plenty of water, good drainage.

    • Pat Hayward says:

      First thing I’d do is get a soil test. I would never fertilize anything without getting a soil test first. Woody plants like shrubs and trees rarely need any extra fertilizer in CO. Was they getting plenty of sun (6 hours)? If the samaras looked good in previous years, what changed? Feel free to send us pics of the trees if you’d like and we’ll see if we can help further.

  15. Kim says:

    1. Will this plant do well on the foothills of the Big Horn Mountains in Big Horn, Wyoming – elevation is 5600 ft. Also, we have extremely strong winds in the winter, up to 75 mph. Will it withstand the winds?

    • Pat Hayward says:

      Hot Wings Tatarian maple came in first place in our 2016 survey of demonstration gardens in the 5500-7500 feet range, with 11 out of 18 gardens reporting. This tree should do great for you in your location. You might want to stake it the first year or so to keep it from toppling in the wind.

  16. Randy Pritchett Behymer says:

    I took care of several of these beauties at a nursery in Granite Bay, Ca, with very hot dry summers. They struggled a bit in containers by August and didn’t give the best fall display as a result. I’ve relocated to Grants Pass, Oregon and hope to use one in our very small lot; since this seems to be Maple Heaven, I’m looking forward to seeing one in full glory!

    • Pat Hayward says:

      Grant’s Pass is high and dry like Denver. We hope it does well for you, but be sure to plant them in the ground for the most “glorious” results.

  17. Dee says:

    Does anyone know if the seeds will be a problem for the grass? Worry about the self seeding with so many samaras turning to seeds.
    Live in Ontario. Thinking about purchasing the tree for privacy.

    • Pat Hayward says:

      If the turf is thick below the trees, there won’t be any problems. But the samaras (seeds) are likely to drop and germinate in open soil. A thick mulch in the tree ring will help keep that to a minimum, or eliminate altogether.

  18. Candace Selk Barnes says:

    Planted a “Hot Wing” 7 years ago in Summit Cove subdivision ( at 9K ft, between Dillon and Keystone) in Summit County, has done great. We just moved to Pagosa Springs and going to plant one/2 here. Observed and concerned with drainage/wet ground during spring melt, I believe yard (clay) will dry out… should I be concerned after planting or soggy “tree feet” next years? any amendment suggestions, berm it up? ?

    • Pat Hayward says:

      From what you describe, it does sound like adding soil amendments like squeegee or sand or even compost will help to allow more oxygen to get to the roots in spring. If you were to do a berm, it’d need to be a fairly large one – up to the width of the mature crown size. That’s an option, too, but once water hits the clay soil below, it still will need an outlet. ALl the best – hope to see you at the Durango Botanical Society Hort Conferene in June!

  19. Sspence says:

    I live in Alberta Canada. I planted a hot wings maple 2 years ago. It was about 8′ when I got it and it’s grown about a foot at most.
    The first year it was very tall and lanky. Strong but didn’t produce too many red wings.
    The second year it produced alot of wings and leaves turned beautiful red. Looks amazing with sunset behind.
    My tree gets alot of sun. About 6+ hours. And it planted it within my garden. It is surrounded by soil and I have no issues.
    The wings don’t seem to drop right away. I’ve had no issues with ‘seedlings’.
    Stake this tree in unprotected area.
    I’m buying another this year.
    It’s a nice tall tree. My is pruned to grow up. Not out.
    It’s currently about 9 feet high and 3 feet wide only

    • Sue says:

      I too am in Alberta (Edmonton). Just planted my first Hot Wings! It’s about 8 1/2 foot tall with a 3 to 4 foot spread right now. The branches are still relaxing out, from shipping etc so difficult to say for sure.
      I have a very small yard and this is my main tree (for shade). I hope to eventually prune it a little so it grows up, not out, like you. I’ve a fence 3 feet to the south and my main path to the back gate, 2 feet to the north. If you have any suggestions for pruning, I’d welcome them! Thank you!

      • Dillan Simonar says:

        I’m in Saskatchewan north of Saskatoon a couple hours. We are a solid 2a here with some 2b sites along buildings and south slopes. I just bought a hot wings for myself and am going to plant it in a sandy area of my yard and hope for the best. I planted one at my parents farm 2 years ago in heavy clay in an exposed site and it is doing surprisingly great. If it can live here it can live almost anywhere. Hope they grow as full as the pictures I see of them, it’s a beautiful tree.

  20. Jim Murrin says:

    Live up in Park City, Utah at about 6500 ft. Would like to “line” my long driveway with these (8-10 trees) in order to add color and differentiation (most trees here are Choke Cherry, Crab Apple, Quaking Aspen, or Blue Spruce) as well as create some privacy from the house next door. We do get a fair breeze (15-25 mph) on a regular basis. Will these trees handle that wind and elevation? Natural flora is sage brush and grass in a zone 4 environment.


    • Ross Shrigley says:

      These trees will work perfect at that elevation and in the “breeze”. We ship these trees to Aspen to be planted in large containers around the lodges quit often. Wyoming residents often prefer to use these ornamental trees in windy areas rather than large shade trees. The only consideration you might face is that if you often get early or late snows when the leaves are still on trees. When that happens you will need to shake the snow off. They definitely do not like snow loads when in leaf. Enjoy their audacious red samaras and beautiful fall color.

  21. Marla says:

    I live in Winnipeg, MB and have a Hot Wings that I planted in spring 2015. Last summer it grew about a foot and looked beautiful. This year top branches have no leaves as well as almost one side of the tree. We experienced an earlier than normal spring with above normal temps. Then after many trees were beginning to bud and leaf out and many perennials emerged substantially we experienced snow and frost. Would this have made an impact on the Hot Wings? Do you have any suggestions to remedy it?

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Unfortunately the weather event that you described is probably what caused the die back. It may be that one side of the tree was seasonally ahead just enough to experience the damage or as the freeze moved in it was mostly caught by the dying side. The best attribute of younger maples is that they grow quickly and you can retrain/reshape them usually within a couple of years using proper pruning techniques. Hopefully you are getting some sprouts already forming on the trunk of the failing side. Google ISA pruning techniques on Youtube for proper pruning instructions. Good luck!

  22. Terry says:

    When is best time to prune these trees. It is hard to see the overgrowth in the winter so would like to take some of the lower growth off my multi trunk Hot Wings. Can I do it now in June without hurting the tree. I’m in Ft. Collins, CO

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      The best time to prune most trees is when they are dormant. Maples are a little different in that they will pour out sap when you prune them just after they go dormant in the fall. With Hotwings maples, I try to prune them just after they leaf out. Then most the sap is drawn into the production of the leaves and I can still see the structure of the tree for pruning purposes. To answer your question about pruning now- YES. You’ll be fine pruning Hotwings up now before mid July, but don’t prune too late to in the summer. The tree will respond to the pruning by sprouting out and with an early freeze those tender stems will die back. That’s wasted energy for the tree.

  23. Gladys Marshall says:

    I had one of these “hot wings” in my garden but one branch was very heavy and blew off in the wind and the tree had to be removed. I would like to buy another one but much smaller to start so it can get rooted. The ones available in Edmonton, Alberta are pruned so the trunk is about 5 feet high and then the branches start. Is it possible to start this from seed or from a small tree say 3-4 feet tall ?

  24. Bonnie Friesen says:

    We have two hot wings on our Boulevard in Winkler Manitoba. This is the third summer we have had them. For some reason they haven t produced any of the hot wing seeds. Some of the edges of the leaves are black and curling as well. There other hotlines on our bay and surrounding area that are loaded with the seeds. Any idea what could be wrong with ours?

  25. Martha says:

    My new Hot Wings Tartarian Maple is beautiful but it has two stems at the top. Is it best to trim one….or both as we prune in the spring when just leaved out? Thank You.

  26. Susan says:

    I live in Durango, CO. Our soil is decomposed shale. We would like to plant a hot wings maple in our yard. It would be surrounded by grass. What do you think? Thank you.

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Amend the soil in an over sized hole that it is to be planted in. I’d plant a smaller tree, not a large B&B and that will make the hole you have to dig not so hard. You may have to fertilize it occasionally over the years, but they are toughand I think it will do fine. Have fun!

  27. Cheryl Nielson says:

    How does this one do in strong wind?

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      It does well in WY where the wind blows hard and regularly and I don’t any damage from that. However, the branches are brittle and if the leaves our still on the tree in early fall or late spring, snows and they will tend to split one or two branches off.

  28. Larry says:

    I live in Overland Park, ks. And I can’t find anyone who stocks the hot wings. Do you know of anyone who stocks this tree in our area?

  29. Stacy says:

    How late is too late to plant this tree (in Northern Colorado)? Is there an ideal planting season?

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      You can plant it now and it will live if you are able to winter water your tree when the ground is not froze at least a couple times per month. Just because a plant doesn’t have leaves, doesn’t mean it can’t dry out and die. You will also have to stake it so that it does not blow over since it won’t be really well rooted into the ground. If you could wait until spring, close to when you turn on your sprinklers, your watering work load will be less and that might be more ideal for you. Happy planting!

  30. Grace says:

    We live in the Denver area and planted a Hot Wings Maple in July of this year and have watered regularly. It’s now mid-October and the leaves are turning yellow with dry brown edges, rather than red. Any advice?

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      This may be due to transplant shock. July and August get really hot making it harder for the tree to get established. The leaves should turn a mottled red/yellow/burgundy color. Give it another year and remember to water it occasionally through the winter when the ground is not frozen. Hot Wings is a really tough tree and should perform well for you when it’s well established. Keep us updated on its progress!

  31. Gabriel Pettinicchio says:

    Would “HotWings” do ok in SoCal (S.S. Zone 22), but with nighttime lows chillier and similar to Zone 19 & 20? Summertime highs, mid 80s. Our soil and garden water are both at 7.8 ph. The soil does not retain salts, but our waters TDS is about 430 ppm. The planned location would have 4-5 hrs. of sun per day.

    Thanks so much.

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Hotwings can survive the water, the soil ph and the heat and cold of zone 9 environment of SoCal, but it won’t like the short dormancy period. I think it will struggle and slowly declining into a plant you won’t want.

  32. Frank Rhebergen says:

    Can the hot wings maple be pruned to raise the canopy a little bit. I understand 4 ft is the typical ground clearance. We’d like to be able to walk and sit under the tree.

  33. Frank Rhebergen says:

    Two more questions: 1) does the hot wing maple drop it’s seeds before winter? 2) does it typically have a shallow root system (like sunburst locust and some other maple varieties) that would tend to lift and crack nearby pavement or patio stones? Or do the roots tend to go downwards?

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      In windy places the seeds will most likely blow away, but in protected areas they may hang on and the sumaras will look like glowing tan ornaments when the sun back lights them just right.
      Secondly, do not worry about uplifting of sidewalks or patio stones with a Hotwings. They are ornamental (smaller) trees, not large shade trees which cause that kind of damage.

  34. C Donnelly says:

    What about Japanese beetles. Do those nasty beetles prefer to congregate on the maples?

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      I a have not seen them on the Hot Wings maples. However reports suggest they will eat Japanese and Norway maples. The Japanese beetles are going to be a real test of Colorado gardening. I’m not looking forward to them spreading on the Front Range. I think the more xeric our landscapes are the less Japanese beetles will like living here.

      • Paulette Dyon says:

        I live in Lakewood Colorado. In 2022 and 2023 there were a very small number of Japanese Beetles on my Chicago Peace Rose. I was able to kill them and I don’t think they laid eggs here. But they are a menace and they will probably continue to increase. Rats!

  35. Kim Neyrinck says:

    We had two of our multibranch hot wing maple split right at trunk due to snow load this past winter! One is opened up, the other is just a crack.
    Can I save either?

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Bummer, It would probably be best if you removed the one that has opened up. Depending on the size of the crack of the other you may be able to splint or prop it up until it grows larger. However, it will be weak and may break again.

  36. La says:

    Will the Hot Wings Maple grow well in an irrigated blue grass lawn area? The lawn gets about 1-1 1/2″ of water per week.

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Yes, it will if you don’t plant it too low. Plant the root crown just below the height the grass will be mowed at (2″).

      • la says:

        I see it described as a xeric tree. Therefore the additional water would receive in an irrigated lawn will not harm it?

        • Ross Shrigley says:

          Hot Wings will do fine in a lawn. It does not need that much water, but in lawn situations, it won’t harm it.

  37. TomR says:

    What is the best fertilizer for the Hot Wings ……………..

  38. Dave Eernisse says:

    I have an approx 13 foot hot wings maple that Japanese beetles are eating the leaves. I purchased some Bonide systemic insect spray to apply to the hot wings. The Bonide spray indicates that you should not use on red maples or sugar maples. Is a hot wings considered either a red or a sugar maple? Would this spray be okay to use on the hot wings?

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      That is a bummer. Japanese Beatles are so frustrating. I’m unfamiliar with sprays to treat Japanese Beatles. I would contact your local professional arborist.

  39. Lora Maxwell says:

    We planted out Tartarian maple about 3 years ago in southwwest Montana. It has done well except that last summer some of the samaras turned black and this year just about all of them have turned black. Can you tell me what to do about this?

  40. Dave says:

    This is the third summer for my transplanted Hot Wings. Its a large tree around 12 feet tall. It had been doing really well up until the end of July. It had the red samaras at the top and at the end of a few other lower branches. The samaras have now all dried up and turned brown. The leaves around the samaras have also dried up and turned brown. The rest of the tree appears to be doing OK. Is this common? If not, any advice what to do? Is the tree going to die?


    • Ross Shrigley says:

      That’s somewhat common for transplanted trees to show these signs. It can take several years for them to become established again. Liquid fertilizer (general purpose house plant fertilizer, nothing too high in nitrogen though) the tree before September. That will help establish strong roots as the tree goes dormant. If you are in CO or another dry climate, be sure to winter water when you can at least for the next couple of years.

  41. Sally Hayes says:

    We purchased a Hot Wings Maple from a reputable nursery while on vacation out west a couple years ago and planted it in Illinois. In its first Fall, it looked great and kept its samaras but the last 2 springs, it hasn’t put out any at all, though it blooms. Since it is not native locally, I cannot seem to get any answers. It’s growing nicely and the leaves are green with red edges. We are on rich soil with farmland around us. Wondering if I need to add something to the soil. It gets plenty of moisture. We need your help

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      It could be that the years were unusual and the flowers were not pollinated to produce the seed which you should see in the summer. The soil should not matter and if it’s getting enough water that is curious. Any chance Japanese Beetle or other insects are the culprit? The only other possibility is that the humidity is causing an issue with samara production. Please keep us posted.

      • John Edwards says:

        Ross, we have a “Hot Wings” in Southern Ohio planted in our wooded yard where it has been for around 10 years. It looks beautiful and was full of red samaras when planted. The second year it had samaras to a very much lesser extent. Since then, perhaps only two years have we had any samaras and they both times they could have been counted on one or two hands. All I can think of is the shade, nothing else comes to mind. I have noticed on other years some flowering, not much, but no samaras production. It’s a lovely tree but I want the samaras production and don’t know what to do to get it.

        • Ross Shrigley says:

          The shade is definitely the problem. This tree loves full sun. Move the tree or prune other trees to allow for more sun.

  42. […] Turns out, ‘Hot Wings’ was discovered and cultivated in Fort Collins, according to Plant Select. While Tatarian maple is native to Eurasia, a chance seedling with distinctive red samaras (winged […]

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Yes, there is a chance that it could come true from seed. However, you’ll have to wait many years before it puts on samaras to know if they are red and that may not be worth it. Let me know if yours turned out red.

  43. sherry havelka says:

    I planted a tatarian in the spring last year and this spring it has an open spot that is weeping a bit on one of the branches. Should I thin out that branch? It would make a good scaffold actually because it is at a good angle from tree/

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Lots of maples weep when they are pruned in the winter or if there is an open wound. They recover just fine and the weeping looks concerning, but it is not.

  44. Donna says:

    We had to remove our three year old hot wings. A branch snapped off last year in the wind and then the rest of it completely broke in half in the late snow we got this year. It was a gorgeous tree but terribly brittle. Will miss its beauty.

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Sorry to hear that. You are correct about it being brittle. Beautiful when there aren’t any heavy snow loads.

      • Julie Trujillo says:

        So I’m in Utah’s northern mountains. Should I not have bought the 2 I just purchased? Heavy snow totals ?

        • Ross Shrigley says:

          Take a look around at other Hot Wings planted in Logan or Ogden and see how they have performed in the snow. I would not assume that they will not perform. They also can grow very quickly.

  45. Jana says:

    My Hot Wings was planted this spring (we live just east of Fort Collins, CO), it looked great. Now the leaves are getting brown edges, falling off, and the tree looks awful. We have had a very wet April-June…and I was concerned about a fungus. I took a few leaves into the nursery where I bought the tree, and they recommended chelated iron for the tree believing it to suffer from chlorosis due to our heavy clay/alkaline soil. My understanding was this tree variety tolerated the clay soil better than other maples. I started the recommended super-iron last week. Thoughts?

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Adjusting to the heat of summer, Hot Wings will show some stress by dropping leaves and showing brown. Adding iron is usually for chlorosis, and may not help this situation. The tree should be ok, just showing its dislike for the heat that has just arrived.

  46. Burt Heacock says:

    This tree is amazing. It grows quickly and has seeded the garden around it. The leaves turned bright fiery red in early August and people are amazed at the beauty. I live near Edmonton, Canada and this tree far outshines any tree in the fall here. Looking to buy more this early spring.

  47. Patricia Felt says:

    For the last 3 years the trees that have broken on our property during snow storms has been the Hot Wings Maple (5 this week)
    Appears to not be well suited to Colorado winters.

  48. Carri Provencher says:

    We have had our Hot Wings for three years now. During the second year half of the tree started to thin out dramatically on one side. We waited until this spring to see if anything changed. The tree is very thick with leaves on one side and very thin, sparse on the other. What would cause this to happen? We looked to see if any of the top roots were in a circular motion to see if it was strangling it’s own nutrients but only found roots high up (1/2 inch below the dirt level) going straight out, not in a circle.

  49. NJ says:

    We planted a small Hot Wings maple in our irrigated Colorado Front Range yard three or four years ago. During a heavy late-season snow in 2018, the leader and several branches broke off. I came close to deciding to remove the tree, since it was heavily damaged. Instead, I decided to let it grow for the season, to see what would happen. Then last fall when we were wrapping the trunk with tree wrap (always do this with young trees in Colorado), we decided to tie up the branches with twine and a few straps to distribute the force where the twine touched the branches — sort of an inexpensive cabling. This spring, the Hot Wings survived back-to-back heavy snows (10″ for the first one and 15″ for the second in the same week). We’ve left the twine and straps on the tree and occasionally adjust the twine. So far, so good. The tree has grown to about 12′, has healthy green leaves, and the Hot Wings are bountiful and beautiful!

    • Kim Morton says:

      We live in north east Utah in a canyon, we planted the hot wings tree that we bought from a local nursery about 2 weeks ago. The day after planting we had a late spring freeze, 28 degrees over night. The tree just doesn’t look as nice as when we bought it . Did the freeze harm it? My husband planted the tree and he didn’t set the root ball 2” above ground, would that be a problem? Our weather hasn’t been hot but it has been windy. Could we be giving the tree to much water? The flowers are dry and the leaves around the edge are not as soft to touch. I love this tree but don’t want to lose it! Any advice for first time planters of the hot wing Maple? Thank you, Kim

      • Ross Shrigley says:

        The freeze probably did some damage to the leaves and that’s why they are not soft on the edges. If you planted the root crown at soil grade you will probably be fine. You purchased a very tough tree and it should do very well. Just give it some more time.

  50. Karli says:

    Anyone know how these hold up in juglone tainted soil. We have black walnuts but wiuld love to put some of these in.

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Give it a try especially if you have other plants growing under your juglans right now. Their allelopathy strengths can vary.

  51. An Stein says:

    Can this tree be planted 3 ft from privacy fence? Do I want top of rootball level w ground? Thanks from Minnesota

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Yes, you can. Keep pruned up and from branches reaching too far over the fence when it’s larger. Snow loads may bend and break a branch on the fence. Plant rootball 1′-2″ above grade. That will compensate for loose dirt that’s always under the burlap where it is pinned. Typically you plant to grade with the highest root flare just above grade. Good luck!

  52. Stacey Ryan says:

    Our three year old tree is beautiful but this year is shot up “candle” with bare spots. Should we trim them back or let them go? I’d hate to have bare spurs on our pretty tree. We’re in SW Colorado and tree us in full south sun in our lawn.

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      You can trim those candles off. Offer it some general fertilization and water it to help it along.

  53. Sarah Clark says:

    My Hot Wings maple was planted 2 years ago this fall in Lakewood. Last year it produced great hot wings and was lovely. This year – no hot wings. Could this be due to the late April freeze? That freeze killed all the buds on the lilac, so I was thinking maybe there is some budding action around the same time for the maple that sets up the hot wings.

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Yes, this spring’s weather was very hard on all plants. Hot Wings were blooming around the cold snap and worse temperatures can be very localized.

  54. Larry says:

    I have seen a lot of different sizes on this tree anywhere from 15-18′ x 15-18′ to 20-25′ x 20-25′ and I even saw one resource that said the tree can get to 20-30′ tall. Since this is a relatively new tree, is it possible that we don’t really know how large the tree can get because they haven’t been around long enough to find out? Another question that I have on this tree is whether others are having issues with excessive self-seeding. I have been finding hundreds of baby trees in my mulch, rocks, lawn etc. that seem to have the same leaf shape and pattern of this tree. I planted the tree in fall of 2017, but only really started noticing these baby trees in 2019 and 2020. But I am also wondering how one tree (current size is ~12-15′ high x 9-10′ wide, 3.5″ caliper at the base) could possibly put out that much seed, and throughout my large yard. I have found these baby trees as far as 140′ away from the tree on the other side of the house. I’ve looked and I don’t see them in any of my neighbour’s yards. There are Manitoba Maples in my neighbourhood but the closest one is a couple houses away and the rest are much further. Also most of my baby trees look suspiciously like the Hot Wings Maple starting with the round petals upon emergence, followed by perpendicularly oriented pairs of pointy leaves. Thanks for any advice you can provide on these questions.

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Where do you live? If you’re in an area that receives a lot of rainfall (30″+ annual precipitation), lots of seeds will germinate. If you are along the Front Range in CO, reduce your watering on the tree by more than half. Less water will also keep the tree smaller.

  55. John Renhowe says:

    I recently purchased a hot wings maple just before we had an early September rain/snow/sleet and freeze. I live in Loveland, CO, in a new subdivision, and the soil here is pretty much a straight clay. I waited a few days after our cold weather to plant the tree, and for a few days it looked just fine, with the green leaves that were there when I bought it. After a little over a week in this soil, the leaves are drying up and turning crispy. I’ve watered the tree just a couple of times, mainly because the clay soil holds water for such a long time. Is the return of very warm weather causing this problem, or is this planting just a shock to the tree? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Be assured that this is transplant shock and since it is late in the season, the tree was planning on dropping its leaves anyhow. Be sure to water it once a month still, and it will leaf out in the spring.

  56. JANET EICKE says:

    I purchased and planted a hot wings tatarian in late October, within 2 days something (squirrel) had stripped it of all it’s leaves and nibbled down most all the branches. since then I have caged it and continue to water. Any chance of survival? Any why wiould a squirrel attacke it? Waterloo Iowa

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      It will probably recover so keep caring for it. You will definitely know for sure next spring. Squirrels in Colorado have never attacked these trees like that. Could the damage be from grasshoppers? That would be more likely.

  57. Katherine says:

    Can Hot Wings maple roots and suckers cause problems with surrounding water and/or sewer lines? Also, how far from the tree trunk will suckers come up?

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      I have never seen roots suckering further than the suckers than the water sprouts that can come up on the trunk at the root crown. Roots of maples are very fibrous just below the plant but do not usually sucker up further away.

  58. Confused says:

    I planted a hot wings tartarian maple a few years ago based largely on plant selects description that it had “strong branch unions”. It was important to me that the tree I selected would stand up to heavy snow loads. However, after returning to this site and reading many of these comments and plant selects own responses, citing “brittle branches”, I’m no longer confident in my purchase. Is the hot wings maple a tree with strong branch unions but brittle branches?

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      Hot Wings has stronger branch unions compared to other maples, but it also has brittle branches like other maples. The strength of unions and branches can also depend on pruning, branching structure, and watering. That makes it challenging to determine how dependable this plant will be in your location. Sounds like the heavy snow loads at your location could be an issue for many trees. If an evergreen could be planted, you might look at the weeping white spruce. They can shed snow loads very well. Let us know what you decide.

  59. Confused & now upset says:

    Well here we are just days after my post and despite going out late last night and again in the wee hours of the morning, to knock all the snow off my hotwings tartarian maple, I now have several large branches laying on the ground. Torn away at the branch unions. The tree (whats left) will have to be removed. I understand that no tree is immune to heavy snow load damage, but I have numerous other trees in my yard and none of them were affected at all. So sad, this tree is\was a beauty!

  60. […] personal favorite originates from the Plant Select Program called Hot Wings Tatarian Maple (Acer tataricum GarAnn’). Reasons include unique red samaras (“propellers” or […]

  61. Gordon Hewell says:

    My hot wings maple was planted on 8/5/21. Just noticed that the hot wings have lost some color and appear to be dried out. Some of the leaves are doing the same thing. I live in Thornton, Colorado. Per the Tree Farm’s recommendation I am watering the tree every 2 days for 45 minutes. I’m placing the hose next to the trunk with a small drip. My tree came in a 45 gallon container. The Tree Farm says it’s probably transplant shock and it should be ok. We have clay soil. What do you think?

    • Ross Shrigley says:

      The Farmer is probably correct. That is what transplant shock looks like. It should leaf out fine next spring.

  62. Linda says:

    I planted a hot wing maple this April. The tree looks healthy, but has not produced any hot wings. Is this normal? Could I have purchased a plant that was not propogated correctly?

  63. Jeffrey says:

    I have planted many of these trees…small in stature, but big in performance and impact. Absolutely love them!

  64. Richard says:

    I’m planning to plant a Hot Wings Maple on Long Island NY zone 7. Soil is usually somewhat sandy and acidic. Heavy snows are not typically a problem, but nor’easters and the occasional hurricane are. A little leaf maple I had tended to have exposed roots on the surface. What problems might I expect with Hot Wing Maple?

    • Ross Shrigley-Plant Select says:

      There may be some damage from hurricane winds, but other than that, you should not encounter any other problems. Watch for seedlings that may pop up out there. Enjoy!

  65. Karin says:

    Prettiest tree!!! Hardy, attractive in all seasons and not huge.

  66. Ben says:

    My backyard could use some screening and shade on the south side, but is very tight between my patio and the property fences. I do have a very large planter (approx. 33” deep, 39” interior top diameter narrowing to about 20” at the base) that can fit in the southeast corner near some utility boxes. This triangular corner space is sheltered by the property fences and a lattice but gets plenty of sun above a height of maybe 4 feet. Would the Hot Wings Tatarian Maple have a good chance of doing well in this planter? Alternatively I have more space on the north side of the backyard but it is mostly shaded by a neighbor’s trees so I am reluctant to chance planting it there. Any feedback would be most appreciated!

  67. Britni Johnson says:

    Has anyone noticed staining from the red samaras on seats or wood?

  68. Rick Lewis says:

    Hello, our hot wing maple tree is doing well, but is still holding on to the dead leaves and propellers from last year. Can these be trimmed off? The tree is now leafing out after a late start, but it still has lots of last years dead production hanging on. Anything to worry about?

    • Ross Shrigley-Plant Select says:

      Last winter was very tough on plants. Trim out the dead branches. The dead leaves should fall off with the budding out of new ones. If they don’t, then trim those branches back too. Follow CSU pruning guidelines for best results.

  69. Janet Samson says:

    Where can I buy hot wings tartarian maple. I live in Rifle Colorado (western slope). Zip code 81650.

  70. Julie Geary says:

    My Hotwings maple didn’t have a single samaras (sp) this year. It was beautiful last year. It’s been planted for 3 years. Do they ever take a year off?

    • Ross Shrigley-Plant Select says:

      Here on the Colorado Front Range, there was a spring freeze that damaged a lot of maples and their flowers. This may be the reason you did not have any red samaras. If your Hot Wings was planted as a five gallon, it will take about 5-10 years before it puts on a great show. Offer it some fertilizer next spring and that will help shorten that time.

  71. Zone 5b Canada. Third year for my Hot Wings Tatarian Maple. It was a 10 gallon container…7-8 feet tall. First two years it grew as a healthy tree. This year starting in June developed black tar spots. The leaves continued to be dry on the edges and mottled. This tree has too many issues and I will happily replace it after giving it one more year.

    • Ross Shrigley-Plant Select says:

      Understood. The black spots, Tar Spot, is a fungal issue that appears after a moist spring. That probably occurred on other types of maples in your area this year too. Tar Spot has little impact on the health of maple trees.

  72. Jonathan Moons says:

    We are in Colorado in 5a/6b and we planted a hot wings maple last spring. It did great over the summer, but as of yet i don’t see anything happening on it and worried it is dead. Could it still be dormant? Should we have protected the roots better with some type of covering or did it need water over the winter? Feel pretty ignorant now for not thinking about that before but would like to know for next time.

  73. Boris says:

    My experience with this tree in SK, Canada. Planted a 7’ tree in front yard 9 years ago. It is now 14’ tall and 12’ wide with a 5” trunk. Grows very well and is covered with bright red samaras July-Aug and looks spectacular. Get comments from neighbors.
    Planted another 7’ tree in the back yard. Going in to its third year. It has not grown in height at all and seems kinda weak and spindly. Not sure why it is not growing much. Clay soil, both get watered with lawn irrigation and get some fertilizer in May.
    The negative to these trees is they are late to leaf out in the spring and they don’t drop their leaves in the fall. This makes them very susceptible to a wet snow breaking the branches so you have to be aware and shake off snow buildup.

  74. Jackie says:

    Will this tree survive the southwest desert? Elevation 2700’, lows high 20’s, highs 115 degrees.

    • Ross Shrigley-Plant Select says:

      It will survive the cold but probably burn in the heat. I’d recommend choosing a different tree. Sorry.

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