Denver Daisy dazzles

The Denver Daisy is a one-of-a-kind flower created and named in honor of the City of Denver’s 150th anniversary. This is a totally new cultivated variety (“cultivar”) which was created for the commemoration of the City of Denver sesquicentennial. Denver Daisy has parentage from Rudbeckia hirta, a daisy native to Colorado when the pioneers founded Denver 150 years ago. It was hybridized with Rudbeckia ‘Prairie Sun’ by Benary Seed.
Denver Daisy Rudbeckia is perfectly suited for Colorado’s arid climate. It thrives in hot, sunny areas with minimal moisture and quickly develops large, eye-catching golden flowers with a deep-red rim encircling a dark brown center.
This plant was promoted during 2008 in Colorado through public relations projects sponsored by the City of Denver, Plant Select®, Hardy Boy Bedding Plants, Denver Botanic Gardens, Colorado State University, and Key Bank. Public parks throughout the area were ablaze with color during the summer, thanks to the plants’ colorful blooms and long season of interest.
For a bright and cheerful look, combine Denver Daisy with the bold look of large, feathery grasses, brightly colored annuals, or rich green groundcovers. The dark blue flowers of delphinium or deep purple penstemon offer color contrasts that promise eye-catching beauty. This sturdy plant is also perfect for container gardens where it stands tall and proud among other companions.
Denver Daisy is a Plant Select® introduction for 2009 and is available at independent garden centers this spring. Help celebrate Denver’s 150th anniversary by planting this bright and festive flower in your garden this year.
View the plant profile here.
Tender perennial, or annual in colder climates
Height: 18-24”
Width: 18-24”
Blooms: May to late summer
Sun: Full sun
Soil Moisture: Moderate to dry
Hardiness: USDA zones 6-9
Culture: Clay, loam, or gravelly soil
Thanks to Dr. James E. Klett, Colorado State University, for writing this piece.
Pretty much treat this as an annual in northern Front Range. It may reseed, as do many Rudbeckias, and will surprise you with the combinations that occur with other plants. It is a lovely, bushy, floriforous plant…
Well put, Jack. Consider any that do happen to overwinter (and seedlings) bonus plants!
What do I do with these before winter, I live in michigan, and want them to come back next year, should I cut them down or just leave them
Leave them for winter interest and to allow seeds to drop or be eaten by birds. Cut back in early spring or when they are broken by snow.
Why are my blooms turning brown? Too much water or not enough?
Probably the cool night and it’s starting to go dormant. Stop the watering for this year now.
Should I direct sow or start inside.
Sow them inside to appreciate them more outside.
Can I grow these in Tucson, Az?
Yes, they can take the heat. Enjoy!
I’m in Texas and just bought this delicious plant and two days in the blooms began to droop. This morning they were all open and looking great and two hours not so much. I’m confused and so are these daisys.
In my experience they will sometimes come back in MN 4B , this last winter was very mild so the original plant came back. I’m collecting seeds this year to attempt to winter sow them.
Does anyone know if deer like them?
Hmmm, it’s been a while since the last comment, so I’m hoping to hear from you! I just bought these from a local nursery (northern Colorado) and wondering if I should just transplant them into pots, let them enjoy the rest of the summer and then keep them inside with the hopes they might come back again next year? Thanks!
You can transplant and bring inside, or you might be able to mulch them heavily to protect them from the cold. If I plant 10 Denver Daisies in spring only about 1-2 will return the next year without heavy mulching of leaves of straw.
I was just given 2 large potted Denver Daisy plants from a friend that has a nursery. It’s October 14th and we live on the eastern shore of Maryland. Can I keep them potted inside the home in a sunny spot and plant them outside in the spring? If so, should I cut them back or just dead head as needed?
Yes, best to put them in a cool garage for winter and cut them back hard. Water as needed. Enjoy!