Red Birds in a tree: a feast for the eyes (and the birds)

Red Birds in a tree is a hummingbird’s delight. The hovering birds are attracted to the luscious cherry-red tubular flowers that sit atop dark green, ovate, toothed leaves. Just look at the flower and you will see how it earned its descriptive name.
A relative of the penstemon, Scrophularia macrantha flowers continuously from spring through fall. The plant does not need much TLC and will re-bloom without deadheading. Vibrant color will illuminate your garden all summer long. Once established, it requires little water and is suitable for xeriscaping. The plant originates from the mountain slopes of New Mexico and adapts quite well to anywhere in your landscape that offers full sun to part shade. Red Birds in a Tree likes to entwine with other plants for support and will grow best in the back of a border.
This showy variety combines attractively with other Plant Select® selections including: SUNSET® Hyssop (Agastache rupestris) or SONORAN SUNSET® Hyssop (A. cana ‘Sinning’), ORANGE CARPET® Hummingbird Trumpet (Epilobium canum subsp. garrettii) and the two Salvia greggii, Furman’s Red and Wild Thing Sage. You will be inviting hummingbirds to a smorgasbord of nectar. The real treat will be watching them feast in the flowers. Red Birds in a Tree is an absolute must for your garden this year. See the video here.
View the plant profile here.
Red Birds in a Tree (Scrophularia macrantha)
Height: 24-36 inches
Width: 16-20 inches
Blooms: May to frost
Sun: Full sun to partial shade
Soil Moisture: Moderate to dry
Hardiness: USDA zones 4-9
Culture: Clay, loam or sandy soil
Thanks to Heather Winokur, Gulley Greenhouse & Garden Center, for writing this piece.
I love this plant/shrub! It’s been in 5 years and is huge. I cut it down every year like other perennials and up it comes. It blooms from June through frost. I do dead head it when it gets leggy. The hummingbirds love it!
Barb you said you cut it down every year do you have to cut it down did you cut it down after the first year you planted them
I would also like to know if you cut it the first year? Mine came back but no flowers yet, 14”, didn’t cut back yet this year. Help
They should just becoming into bloom. Should be soon at 14″.
I live in the western foothills of Denver. I have 4 of these in my hummingbird garden along with some red-flowering sage, yarrow, maltese cross, etc. The hummers love Red Birds in a Tree so much they ignore everything else. This plant has indeterminately flowering racemes which just get longer all summer and continue flowering so it is zero maintenance (no dead-heading). These are by far my favorite plants in the yard.
So great to hear – thanks for sharing!
I need to replace a Russian Sage because of the bees. Would this plant be a good choice?
Probably not if you’re looking for that really showy look that Russian sage offers. Red Birds is a bit more “sophisticated” for better lack of a word. It is best appreciated closer up than the sage. How about Vermilion Bluffs Mexican? Or some of the agastaches? They offer a lot more bang per plant. Red Bird, though, is an absolutely beautiful plant with strikingly interesting flowers, but doesn’t put on the massive display that Russian Sage does. Bees and butterflies will be attracted to all of these, but not to the extent that Russian sage is. And for goodness’ sake, do NOT substitute blue mist spirea (Caryopteris) if you’re trying to reduce exposure to bees- it’s a total bee magnet!
I have discovered the importance of having bees and wasps in my garden as I am pesticide free they do a job I did not realize as they seem to eat the harmful bugs. I do not have a reaction to bee or wasp stings so I do not bother them and I enjoy my Russian Sages very much. I have one Red Bird in a Bush plant that I have had for 3 years. This year it developed yellow leaves in the center of the plant. one steam at a time would wilt. It bloomed but not like it did last years. Can anyone help with this problem it also gets light-colored spots on the leaves?
Those symptoms are probably reflective of overwatering. Cut the water way back if you are in Colorado.
It could be the pH factor.
I disagree with saying this is not a showy a plant. I have 5 of these growing in container pot on my deck in Denver/Arvada (5b). They have come back every year for the past 5 years, maybe longer. In late summer these are some of the showiest flowers in my garden. Little red flowers everywhere filled with hummingbirds fighting over them. I move a couple of these containers right up next to my windows and the hummingbird spend lots of time just looking inside the house to see what is going on. What could possibly be more showy than this? And believe it or not, at least 3 of these have come up by themselves from seeds that I never planted. These are by far the favorite plant I have in my container garden, which has over 50 containers full of flowers of all time.
Hi Rhonda, are you still there? 🙂 Thanks so much for your response!
I live in LW…. and have several plants in my yards and LOVE them! Keep looking at propagating but I am a little new at that. Guess I’ll try cutting a partial stalk, stick it in root hormone, and then plant in small pot w/ seed starter soil….. and go from there.
BUT I am curious about your plants in pots. Do you keep them there all year, bring them inside in winter, ???? They are so great to have around! Thanks!
Love this so much! I accidentally planted one in the front of my garden last fall and I want to move it further back. Do you think I can safely transplant it? Any suggestions on how?
I think Red Birds in a tree is one of Plant Select’s best released plants. It does exactly this- Surprises you! When I planted one, I never thought I could love a flower so small. Within the first year I fell in love with it! It’s tougher and longer living than one might expect. Hours of enjoyment watching the humming birds and sphinx moths visiting the flowers. To answer your question, yes I think you can transplant this plant, because it is recently planted and not well rooted in. Just be sure to get a large root ball on it and don’t let it dry out in this heat. You will probably not see any more flowers on it for the rest of the year. A better time to move it would be next spring.
Can it be divided then replanted? I’ll will replant this fall. Thank you.
I’d divide it in the spring or better yet look to move a seeding next spring. I don’t think you’ll have any success if you divide it in the fall.
Is it possible to divide that plant ?
Where can I get seeds or root from this? Beautiful!
I have not seen any seed packets for sale. However if you have a friend who has this plant, you can collect them there. But why work and wait that long to enjoy the plant? I’ve seen these plants in quart size containers in spring for $6-$8 dollars. With Labor Day fast approaching, you might find these plants on sale in gallons for those prices. They would survive just fine planted in the fall from a container. Happy gardening!
I live in E Tennessee. I bought 4 of these last fall online and planted. This spring, none of them came up. Looking for more but unable to find them. Would love to know where you are seeing them.
Might be too wet for them if they are planted on flat ground. They need well-drained soil for your amount of rainfall and full hot sun. They may not like the humidity.
Is it possible you pulled it out thinking it was a weed? I planted one last year and was disappointed to not see it this spring. Later in the spring noticed some tall plants in the garden that I thought were weeds. I put off my weeding and was glad I did because they turned out to be Red Birds!
I found mine from Burgess catalog
I live in the Seattle area. Is it ok to plant this plant in the fall, or should I wait till spring? Often times I don’t have luck with southwestern plants if I plant them in the fall – it’s too wet, and the winter is too long. Is Redbirds in a tree a more flexible plant?
Definitely wait until spring and you’ll have more success. They do love well drained soil and lots of sun. It’s great that you know what all those southwestern plants prefer.
Where can you purchase these plants?
These are one of my favorite plants! Try the link in the above comment.
I am interested in the RedBird plant. Need to know where I can purchase them. Retailers and On-line sources can be found here. Enjoy!
Can you buy red bird locally and where I’ve never bought through the mail
Yes, you sure can! Try one of these places on this link.
Most retail places will have that plant this year, it may not have arrived yet.
How would a plant from the southwesr (dry) do in the Mid-Atlantic area (humid summers-cole damp winters) Also I have a heavy clay soil in most area of my property in Delaware.
The clay shouldn’t be a problem for you if you plant this plant on a slope where the water will run off or drain. If the roots sit in a puddle, it will rot out. Place it in the sunniest and hottest spot you can and you should have success with it.
Can they grow above 9000’
This plant comes from an elevation on Cookes Peak in New Mexico around 7000′. I think it would grow at 9000′ plus, but will stay much shorter. Be sure to put it in the sunniest, hottest spot that is not snow packed all winter. Let us know how it goes!
I have called so many nurseries in and around Spokane Washington. I really want this plant and no one has it!! They haven’t even heard of it. Does anyone know which on-line retailers sell high quality plants? Thank you!
High Country Gardens Sells it.
Thank Ross!
Just planted 2 and they are both shriveling up. It has been over 90 each day, so not sure if it is because they are too hot or because they are getting too much water. Any ideas?
Probably too much water or planted too low. Make sure the root crowns are at garden grade.
I have had a Redbird in a Tree plant for more than 5 years, and it only bloomed the first year. Is there anything I can do to stimulate blooms?
Unfortunately not. I don’t think deadheading them will extend their bloom time.
I got a red bird in a tree this spring. It’s presently on its second bloom cycle. I love it! Do I need to cut it back in winter? If so, how much should I leave above ground? Thanks.
In late fall you can cut it back to 4-6″. Enjoy!
Redbirds are listed as not deer resistant. I’ve had mine for 5 years and absolutely NO deer damage! I have lots of deer damage on other resistant varieties. I recently transplanted a seedling in extremely hot dry weather. It shriveled up badly but came back when the weather cooled (below 90). I love this plant!
Where can you buy the plants or the seeds
Most Garden Centers in CO carry this plant. If you are out of state try one our on line retailers. LINK HERE
Harlequin Gardens in Boulder. CO sells them.
They don’t use any chemicals that kill beneficial insects on their plants.
They do not ship plants.
FYI. The 2019 Kelly Nurseries Catalog has the Red Birds In a Tree for $9.99
That is the reason I found this site. Thanks for the testimonials. The stats say hardy zones 4-9. We just North if Cincinnatti, Zone 6 and love the hummers.
I ordered 2.
Interested in the Red bird in a tree plant for my new garden. However, rather confused about it. The Botanical Gardens states it can get up to 6 ft tall. Plant Select states 36 inches tall.
Who is right?
There more than one plant named Red Bird. The scrophularia macrantha on our website at most get’s 3′ tall. The Caesalpinia pulcherrima plant that is what you probably saw does get 6′ tall. Enjoy our Red Bird in a Tree!
This is the second Colorado summer I’ve had my plant and it’s grown like mad. But just now—end of August—the plant is drying up. The long stems are shriveling and dry. Don’t know what is causing this. I’m worried it will die off completely at this rate. Suggestions on how to salvage it? I don’t recall it doing this last fall.
That is very unusual. Cut the plant back now to promote some new growth. See if that gets it going again and let us know.
I planted 3 small plants 2 years ago and this year they are huge. I had forgotten about them — I kept thinking that I did not order anything red this year. And then the hummers came — what a thrill — a few minutes on the rose of sharon (lilac and red) and then to the redbirds. I am worried about the lack of water this year so we water in more than usual. Our house is in Bath County Va n a hollow so we get later springs and more cold than the surrounding homes. It is so wonderful to have this unexpected success (so far). Last year we lost our lavender (Phenomenal) and butterfly shrubs because it never stopped raining. Deer do not touch them so far.
Will this grow in East Tn?
Yes, it should on well-drained sloped areas with full sun. After it’s established, stop watering it. Not sure how it will respond in the humidity, so let us know!
I really like this plant and think it would be great to have a few to go with my 24 kniphofia the hummingbirds love. I’m just worried because everything I read says they like to intermingle with other plants for support. I have a bunch of allium globemaster, do you think they’d be good together, the allium are very tall and sturdy. But I wouldn’t want the RBT to shade the allium foliage too much. It’s a very sunny area and the allium give me huge long purple blooms, I wouldn’t want to upset that. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you kindly.
RBT will go great with those plants! Reduce your watering and they will stay more turgid and not need the support of those other plants. Beautiful plant combo. Enjoy!
I had problems last summer and again this year with the lower leaves wilting, then turning brown and drying up.
The top of the RBT look fine.
Any ideas?
The plant is responding to the increase in heat. It’s a natural response many plants exhibit to conserve energy. They drop the lower or inner leaves instead of spending energy on them around this time of year. The plant should be fine. If you have a Fernbush, you’ll see the same thing happening soon too.
A large stem broke off my RBT . Is it possible to start new plants from cuttings off of the of the main stem?
Not likely unless you have a misting system at home. It’s easier to collect seed and spread it around.
I started 3 cuttings from stems that weren’t flowering last fall. I used rooting hormone and provided humidity by placing each little pot into a plastic bag under grow lights. I was thrilled when they started blooming around December! I will plant them out into the garden in a couple weeks.
I live in Northern California, near Sacramento. Will the Red Bird Tree grow here? I have never seen it in nurseries, here.
Yes, it will. Enjoy!
I cannot find this plant or seeds anywhere. I’ve tried Plant Select and every place they suggest — nothing. Any other suggestions?
Where are you located? Botany Lane grows them and sells them to retailers. Reach out to them to see where they sell them. It may be that plants are all sold out and retailers are waiting until next year to bring them in again.
Will RBT do well in Central Florida?
It will most likely struggle if it does not have well-drained soil, no winter dormancy, or receives too much water. Let us know if you plant it and it does well!
[…] like the look of the plant below called Red Birds in a Tree. (By the way, this is one of my favorite plants in my garden. My neighbors always ask about it, and […]
I received to Red Birds in a Tree as gifts. Can I plant them even if we get more frost this spring?
If they have not immediately come out of the greenhouse, they should be fine. The might wilt a little in from a cold frost, but the plant won’t die. It’s best to get them into the ground and get them started instead of having to remember to water them for a month.
I have 3 RBTs, and this will be year 3. Last year all three flourished; as of today, only one is starting to leaf. I wonder if the other two did not make it through the winter, or if it’s still early (May 10 in Santa Fe NM). No nurseries have them for sale (yet?), and I want to replace them…the hummers love them so much! Thanks for any thoughts…
Orange Carpet Hummingbird trumpet, the hyssops, and salvias will bring in hummingbirds too.
I found some seeds last year and sowed the seeds in the fall. I believe what I have is the red birds in a tree seedlings. I have 3 young seedlings in a flower pot. Do they like to be crowded or should I move one of the seedlings and put it in the ground? Can they be grown in a pot?
I have wanted this plant for years and ordered several from an online place (not mentioning name) and every time I would get it, it would arrive almost dead or dead. So, I was thrilled to find some seeds.
I am in North Carolina. Any advice you can give will be appreciated.
Thank you
That’s great news about the seedlings. I would plant them back in the ground instead of leaving them in a pot. They would not mind if you planted them close together, but I would try one in a different part of the yard.
Thank you. I did not put them in the ground yet and I fear it is too late now. Will they do okay if I move them to a flower bed in the fall or should I wait until next spring?
Thanks again for your knowledge of these great plants.
Go ahead and put them in the ground by this summer or fall. They should become established before winter and ready to grow next spring.
I have one of these in IL that is doing well and I enjoy it. Will these self seed and spread? I would like to have a few more specimens to plant around the yard.
Yes, they can. You might try collecting the seed and then sowing them directly into different areas. Just remember not to accidentally weed them out when they are babies next spring.
A friend shared some of hers with me. I am wondering about susceptibility to rabbits and also deer. I saw one comment that deer weren’t a problem for her. Any other deer or rabbit comments would be appreciated. If necessary, I can fence them in. Thanks.
I’d fence the plants in if I started to see any evidence of critter foraging. It’s hard to say exactly what and when animals decide to eat one’s plants.
I bought 2 plants last spring. I planted one in the ground and another in a 16″ pot. The both are doing well. I am going to try to collect seed and to propagate a small cutting. I need more of these!
How about container growth…and then moved to an unheated porch for winter without rain and/or snow? Occasional water or not? I am in Zone 5/6 in NY with snowy winters.
That could actually work. Occasionally winter water if the container is not in a place where it can receive natural precipitation.
I had never seen this plant before today! It was in a catalog named House of Wesley. They are $9.99 each, or 2 for &18.49. I love the plant but I doubt if they would survive the humidity here in Arkansas!! Good luck to all, such a gorgeous plant!
Yes, GREAT plant! It will get floppy in Arkansas but will live. Plant it on a hillside where water does not collect.
I purchased a Redbirds in a Tree plant a few weeks ago and decided to grow it as a container plant. However, within a few minutes of the morning sun hitting the plant, the stems fall and the leaves start to look wilted. Then when I move the plant into shade, the stems and leaves seem to revive again. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong…any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
Wilting can be a sign of transplant shock, which is probably the case here, especially if the plant just came out of the greenhouse. Give it some time to adjust, this plant prefers full sun. Great plant!
Thank you for your response. You were correct…once my plant adjusted to it’s new environment it looks very healthy. Thanks again.
Would I be able to separate the root to make a second or third plant? Dumb question??
Yes, but we are too late in the season. If you are taking the cutting from your garden, do that in spring when new growth just begins to show.
I just purchased one and plan to pot in 16″ container. Hoping to leave out over winter here in Zone 5, High Desert in Oregon.
Would love to hear more from those who have had success overwintering Redbirds in containers.
Thank you to everyone, for all the great information!
First let me say, I have grown red birds in a pot and they do just fine. I have one this year and it was doing great, even flowering. Last week we got 8 inches of rain during the week.
Today my red birds looks droopy. Like a crazy woman, I watered it. Did I just kill my plant? We are suppose to get more rain tomorrow, should I move the pot out of the weather?
Do you think the reason it is drooping is because all the rain last week?
Thank you for all your advice,
Cindi, yes that’s too much water, but the good news is that it will recover. Water it once per week starting in July and it should recover just fine.
Thank you so much. It has a small seedling in the pot with it and the seedling is doing fine. I have been trying to water once a week.
I really appreciate all your advice. Thank you again
Thanks for sharing the informative article.
Our ted birds in a tree leaves are turning yellow here in Santa Fe. What could be causing it?
We’re in Denver and we planted a RBT two years ago. The first year it did really well, last year it grew well but then one of the stalks shriveled and died mid-summer. We couldn’t figure it out but since the rest were fine we left it. This year they exploded beautifully and then one stalk at a time keeps shriveling up and dying – the flowers and the stalk. We don’t over water it and it seems to get plenty of sun. Any idea of what it could be and are there any suggestions of what to do?
Curious, I’m not sure why that is happening. Check the soil for anything abnormal.
[…] Please visit the Plant Select website if you’d like more details about Red Birds in a Tree. […]