Shimmer Evening Primrose

Oenothera fremontii 'Shimmer' PP19,663

Shimmer Evening Primrose | Plant Select | Oenothera fremontii \'Shimmer\'
Shimmer evening primrose has cheerful, large lemon-yellow flowers that bloom profusely in late spring and rebloom in the summer and fall, scenting the evening air with fragrance. Shimmer is a great pollinator plant, attracting bees, sphinx moths and butterflies. It was selected by horticulturists Lauren Springer and Scott Ogden for its narrow, grassy, silver foliage which is even more delightful when dotted with the bright yellow flowers. Native to Kansas and Nebraska.

Read the plant story here.
Plant Type Perennial
Height 8-10 inches
Width 16-18 inches
Flowering Season May-frost
Flower Color Yellow
Sun Sun, Part Sun
Water Needs Moderate to dry
USDA Hardiness Zone Zones 4-8
Soil Type Clay, Loam, Sandy, Gravelly
Deer Resistant Yes
Good for Pollination Yes
Winter Interest No
North American Native Yes
Year Introduced 2023
Annual Commercial Maintenance May pinch early in season to create a fuller plant. Cut back at the end of the growing season
5-10 Year Commercial Maintenance Follow annual maintenance
Elevation Guide Up to 6200 ft