Celebrating Plant Select Landscape Member: Tanya Fisher of Colorado Vista Landscape Design
How many years have you been a Plant Select member?
I believe I became a member in 2012.

How would you describe your business in one sentence?
We’re a progressive landscape design firm committed to the development of landscapes that harmonize our region’s population growth with the betterment of our environment.
Where are you located?
Windsor, Colorado
What is your favorite Plant Select plant?
Oh my, that’s a trick question! I would have to lean to the Russian Hawthorn. Its profuse white flowers in the spring and the generous red fruit in the fall are stunning! Its small leaves are adorable and branching habit during the winter is lovely.
Years ago, I was hired by my HOA to enhance our common areas with trees. We planted a group of Russian Hawthorn near our entry where I can enjoy them year-round.

What are your organization’s specialties?
Empowering our clients with accurate knowledge and a further understanding of sustainable landscape practices.
It’s much more than a client hiring us to design a “xeriscape” or “sustainable” landscape that are descriptions they may have heard around town. It’s a true education of soils, water needs, plantings, and most importantly, a guide to the maintenance and care responsibilities they’ll need to perform to sustain the landscape.
Without proper maintenance, even the best thought-out landscape design plan can fail.
Why did you become a Plant Select member?
Plant Select provides information and knowledge for finding the right plants for the right place.
The research and data that Plant Select provides has allowed me to incorporate a diverse palette of plantings for the many challenging conditions and locations within our Colorado climate.
What are ways your organization is committed to more sustainable landscapes?
We’re committed to continual research to advance our knowledge, awareness and education, so we can ensure we’re providing the best products and resources to our clients. This includes collaborating with local supplies, vendors, associations, water providers, colleagues, local suppliers and vendors, and city planners.
Why do you continue to support Plant Select?
Plant Select expands my knowledge. It provides support in all that I hold true when designing and recommending plant material. It’s a valuable resource not only to myself, but to my clients as well. I truly appreciate all their efforts.
What’s one thing that not many people know about your organization?
That’s a tough one… Maybe people don’t know the depth of reward and accomplishment I personally receive when I revisit projects that I’ve designed that are more mature (5 years or more). The landscapes are thriving and beautiful—just as I envisioned them when I first put the plan on paper.
Our thanks to Tanya for her ongoing support of Plant Select!
You can find Tanya’s business—Colorado Vista Landscape Design—at www.coloradovista.com.