An irresistible penstemon to add to your garden (Shadow Mountain)

The genus Penstemon, commonly known as beardtongue, has long been a staple in our Rocky Mountain region gardens and a new representative to the scene this summer will be SHADOW MOUNTAIN® penstemon (Penstemon x mexicali ‘Psmyers’.) This latest Plant Select® introduction is a sport of RED ROCKS® penstemon, a Plant Select® introduction from 1999. The distinctive new penstemon was discovered at Welby Gardens in Denver, CO several years ago.
The stunningly luminous white-throated lavender-blue flowers of SHADOW MOUNTAIN® Penstemon are set aglow with distinctive purple-red veining. Just like it’s cousins RED ROCKS® and PIKES PEAK PURPLE®, SHADOW MOUNTAIN® is loaded from summer through fall with colorful flower spikes above a mound of attractive glossy green narrow leaves, giving it distinction as one of the “all summer bloomers” of the perennial garden.
SHADOW MOUNTAIN® Penstemon is tolerant of many different soil types and can be grown in full sun as well as light shade. Because the foliage is evergreen, SHADOW MOUNTAIN® will have a fresh new look if cut back each spring. While SHADOW MOUNTAIN® does very well grown in a xeric situation, it blooms heavier and more continuously with moderate watering. It is best to avoid frequent, heavy watering that will make it floppy.
SHADOW MOUNTAIN® penstemon lives nicely and plays well with others in the garden. It mixes beautifully with creeping veronica, ornamental grasses such as blue fescue and carex, or PLATINUM SAGE® (Salvia daghastanica.) Or for fun, plant SHADOW MOUNTAIN® alongside it’s cousins RED ROCKS® and PIKES PEAK PURPLE® to create a veritable tres Penstemon x mexicali fiesta! No matter how you use it, SHADOW MOUNTAIN® penstemon is sure to be a hit in any garden.
View the plant profile here.
SHADOW MOUNTAIN® penstemon (Penstemon x mexicali ‘Psmyers’)
Height: 18-24 inches
Width: 14-18 inches
Blooms: May to September
Sun: Full sun to partial shade
Soil Moisture: Moderate to dry
Hardiness: USDA zones 4b-8
Culture: Clay, loam or sandy soil
Will it still bloom in Albuquerque growing in mostly shade condition, but lots of light, and maybe 3 hours of full sun?
It may still bloom, even though penstemons are know for loving full sun. NM is an area that has more sun with brighter light. Give it a try.